the Nest


 Welcome to the Nest yoga online

Knowing there are so many women out there who want to establish a home practice and struggle with how to get started, what to practice and feelings of going it alone, led me to start the Nest yoga online.


  Hello, I'm Sarah Jane.

I've been an avid Yoga student for the past eighteen years and a teacher for the past eleven. I live on a small island off the west coast of Canada with my husband, Alex and our dog, Leo.

Living on a small island, with limited access to group yoga classes, was my initial incentive for diving into a home practice. It was a lot of trial and error at first but once I found my groove the rewards for getting on the mat (even when I didn't feel like it), continued to show up as increased self-confidence, a deeper trust in my intuition and the freedom to be who I am.

Find more information about my training, experience and student testimonials here.